The Directorate of IBT-STP stands for the Directorate of Business Incubation Technology and Science Techno Park. This facility plays a role in bridging Hasanuddin University and Industry, the business world to accelerate the downstreaming of intellectual works through business incubator services and technology incubators supported by pilot plants and areas that are professionally managed applying science and technology with the long-term target of improving the community’s economy.

The purpose of IBT-STP is to incubate product technology: Scale-up research results TRL 6-7 to TRL 8-9 towards commercialization, incubating product business through business development/ Start-up or industrial cooperation from IRL 3 to IRL 4-5, managing Areas that apply science and technology as a technology transfer pilot plant and provide services to inventors/innovators, start-ups, SMEs and industry in business development through business incubation services and technology.

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